What You Need to Know About Remote Starts and Factory Key Fob
Many new vehicles are coming with remote start already from the factory, however, it can be added to any vehicle.
There are many options to choose from when selecting a remote car starter system for your vehicle and we want to be sure you know all of them! Here’s what you need to know about remote car starters and factory key fob, and what you need to consider when choosing a system that will fit your needs.
Add a car remote starter to existing factory key fob. Remote starters can usually be added to your existing factory key fob (remote). However, the range that you will be able to start your vehicle from will be limited to the range of your factory remote (usually around 100 feet). Also, many vehicles such as Honda and Toyota disable the keyless entry function of the remote fob while the engine is running; meaning when you remote start your vehicle, you will not be able to unlock it using the factory remote. Instead, you will have to stick your key in the door to unlock the vehicle.
Solution: upgrade to remote starter systems
A simple solution to both of the above problems is to upgrade to a remote start system which comes with new remotes. These systems have a much longer range, with basic systems starting at about 1,000ft of range and premium systems having the range of up to 1 mile. These systems will also have to ability to lock and unlock your doors or add an alarm for extra security against theft.
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Best option: premium remote start systems
Premium remote start systems will have all of the above features and will include a 2-way remote. The 2-way remote will provide confirmation that a command was received by the vehicle. For instance, if you cannot see where your vehicle is parked, the 2-way remote will notify you that your vehicle has started or locked the doors when you press the button. All of the premium systems that we offer at Cartronics also have the capability of adding a smartphone interface which will allow you to lock, unlock, and start your vehicle from your smartphone, giving you virtually unlimited range!
Remote Car Starter Installation Nashville, TN
For expert remote start installation in Nashville, TN, Brentwood, Antioch and Madison, contact Cartronics, today!